Barry nelson casino royale

Barry nelson casino royale


James Bond : Le Chiffre sent you to me, didn't he? Don't deny it, I know you're with him. He told you to come to my room. Because of the microphone.

Valerie Mathis : Microphone?

James Bond : In the fireplace - with Le Chiffre listening just above.

Valerie Mathis : What are you talking about?

James Bond : [Pointing to the fireplace]  You mean he didn't tell you about the mike

[Pointing upwards] 

James Bond : The wires go through the chimney to his room just above here!

Valerie Mathis : I didn't know.

James Bond : [Holding Valerie's chin with his hand]  Let me look at you. You can't lie to me, you never could.

Valerie Mathis : [James Bond holds Valerie's chin firmly with his hand]  I didn't know. When was it fixed?

James Bond : [Takes his hand off Valerie's chin]  Today while I was out

Valerie Mathis : To listen to you?

James Bond : [Pontificating]  If you didn't know about it - To listen to you - He sent you here but he doesn't trust you. He wants to be sure that you ask the things he said.

Valerie Mathis : Jimmy listen to me.

James Bond : I'm going to. And so's he. You're going to tell me those things right now. Word for word. But who's fooling who?

[James Bond walks over to radiogram and turns down the volume] 

Valerie Mathis : Jimmy! - Don't turn down the music!
