Casino royale hbo

Casino royale hbo


James Bond: A Violent Extended Cut of Casino Royale is On HBO Max

A violent and extended cut of Casino Royale exists, and it's coming to HBO Max. Daniel Craig’s 007 debut came with the 2006 film, and at the time, there was arguably more concern over the color of the actor’s hair than anything else. The idea that James Bond was blonde didn’t sit right with many fans, after decades of the suave British agent being portrayed on screen by men with black hair. This minor gripe was soon forgotten, however, as Casino Royale proved to be a superb return to form for what was then an ailing franchise.

Not only did the film reset the concept of what a Bond film could be, but it also lured in an entire new generation of fans. Craig’s portrayal of Bond skillfully blended elements of the old with the new, and Casino Royale offered a more stripped down and visceral take on the classic spy genre – straight from the film’s gritty black and white opening sequence. Here was a Bond film that had all the ferocity of its predecessors, though now it felt amplified, not bogged down by the likes of over the top gadgets or clichéd villains. What most Bond fans in America didn’t know at the time of Casino Royale’s release, however, was that the film they saw in theatres was actually an edited cut of the original.

Related: Casino Royale: The Actors Who Almost Played 007 In James Bond 21

Now, nearly fifteen years after the film’s original release, Comicbook(via Phil Nobile Jr.) has reported that HBO’s new subscription streaming service, HBO Max will be releasing a longer, more violent cut of the film. The initial concern with the release of the film in the U.S. was that its violence was too great to secure a PG-13 rating. As a result, the offending scenes were cut, though they remained intact in other territories. The HBO Max cut will include an extended torture scene and fight sequences.

Apparently, the upcoming HBO Max cut doesn’t differ that greatly from the one that American Bond fans have become familiar with after all these years. This could prompt some to conclude that HBO is attempting to pass off a very subtly altered cut of Casino Royale in order to drum up more interest in HBO Max. Having kicked off just over a month ago, the new streaming service has been experiencing a slight uphill climb in its efforts to become a leader in the subscription streaming game. None the less, Bond fans are no different than fans of any other major franchise, in that most will want to see a different cut of a Bond film, regardless of how small it may be.

Currently, there doesn’t seem to be an exact release date for the alternate Casino Royale cut. It will also be interesting to see if this more violent and extended cut does succeed in luring more subscribers to HBO Max. However, right now, it’s hard to believe that something as simple as a handful of additional 007 scenes will add to the service’s appeal. Even diehard Bond fans won’t necessarily be inclined to dish out the extra cash for what HBO has to offer, given that the extended scenes can likely be found online with a little bit of searching. Still, being able to see Casino Royale from beginning to end in a new light is appealing  - even if the difference is marginal.

Next: James Bond: Casino Royale Is The Deadliest 007 Movie For Bond Girls

Source: Comicbook(via Phil Nobile Jr.)

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