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Get Fit Like 007: The Daniel Craig 'James Bond' Workout

Discover how Daniel Craig, the most ripped James Bond, transformed into the iconic 007 superspy. Unveil the workout secrets that got him in peak shape and explore the legacy of this Bond legend. Dive into the world of espionage and fitness!


Daniel Craig, a name synonymous with suave sophistication and jaw-dropping physicality, has carved a legendary path in the realm of cinema. Born on March 2, 1968, in Chester, England, Craig's journey to stardom is nothing short of extraordinary.

Before donning the coveted tuxedo of James Bond, Craig honed his craft on the stages of London's West End and in various television roles. It wasn't long before his undeniable talent and striking looks caught the eye of Hollywood.

Craig's breakthrough came in 2006 when he took on the iconic role of James Bond in "Casino Royale." Prior to his portrayal, Bond was an enduring character but hadn't seen such a remarkable transformation. Craig's Bond was gritty, intense, and incredibly fit. He was the first Bond to genuinely appear as if he could single-handedly take down a room full of villains.

"Casino Royale" not only revived the franchise but set a new standard for Bond films. Craig's performance earned critical acclaim, and many consider it the best Bond movie of all time. He reprised his role as 007 in subsequent films like "Quantum of Solace," "Skyfall," "Spectre," and "No Time to Die," solidifying his status as one of the most iconic Bonds in history.

Beyond his spy persona, Craig's versatility as an actor shines through a diverse body of work. From intense roles in "Layer Cake" and "Road to Perdition" to his portrayal of the enigmatic Mikael Blomkvist in "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," Craig's acting prowess knows no bounds. My favourite role Daniel Craig has done outside is definitely the mystery/crime "Knives Out" franchise.

As he gracefully bowed out of the Bond franchise, the question on everyone's lips remains: Who will be the next Bond? Speculations are rife, but one thing is certain—Daniel Craig's legacy as the most ripped and compelling James Bond is etched in cinematic history, ensuring his place as a true legend of the silver screen.

daniel craig workout


Daniel Craig has had a pretty impressive body in his movies. He's about 5 feet 10 inches tall. But his weight has been up and down, depending on the movie role.

In "Cowboys & Aliens," he looked slim, weighing around 160 pounds. He did this on purpose because he needed to look like a skinny cowboy. To do that, he ate less and didn't do any weightlifting. So, he lost some muscle, and he looked pretty lean.

But in "Skyfall," things changed. The people making the movie wanted him to gain weight, like 15 to 20 pounds more. So, he had to bulk up. He got up to 180 pounds for that movie. He had about 10% body fat, which means he was pretty lean. You could see his abs, and he had a sharp jawline.

Having around 10% body fat is a good goal for most guys. It makes you look great, and your clothes fit well. Going lower, like 8% body fat or less, would give you more veins showing and super shredded abs, but it's pretty hard to keep up and might not be the healthiest. Staying around 10-12% gives you a nice, fit look with visible abs.

daniel craig workout


Let's dive into what Daniel Craig ate to get in top shape for his role as James Bond in "Skyfall." You might be surprised at how important his diet was in achieving that impressive physique.

Before filming "Skyfall," Daniel Craig was pretty lean. He needed to pack on some serious muscle, about 15 to 20 pounds. But he had an advantage: muscle memory. After being skinny for a while, his body was ready to build muscle again. This happens because when you eat too few calories for a long time, your body gets primed for muscle growth when you start eating normally again.

However, he couldn't go overboard with calories. At 43 for "Skyfall" and 51 for his final Bond role in "No Time To Die," Craig's age meant he was more likely to gain fat due to lower testosterone levels. So, he needed to keep his calorie intake close to maintenance.

To build muscle, a good rule is about 16 calories per pound of your target body weight. For Craig, aiming for 180 pounds, meant around 2,880 calories a day.

When you're eating at maintenance or in a calorie surplus, most of those calories should come from carbs. Carbs help max out your glycogen stores, which is essential for muscle growth (due to anabolic growth signalling). They also provide the energy needed for intense training and better sleep.

Protein was a major part of Daniel Craig's transformation diet. It's crucial for building quality muscle. Plus, it can help you avoid gaining unwanted fat.

Protein has a unique ability to keep you feeling full, so you're less likely to overeat. Also, it's metabolically expensive for your body to store as fat.

In his diet, Craig aimed for a protein intake of about 0.82 grams per pound of his goal body weight. For his target weight of 180 pounds, that was around 144 grams of protein every day. This strategy helped him build muscle efficiently while keeping fat gain in check.

These are the same muscle-building methods that are included in the step-by-step nutrition guide inside the Adonis Evolution Program.

daniel craig workout


Daniel Craig's physique is a testament to the perfect balance between muscle and masculinity. Let's break down the key characteristics that make his physique so impressive.

One of the standout features of Craig's physique is his well-developed upper chest. It gives him that powerful and chiselled look, making his upper body appear broader and more dominant.

Craig's shoulders are also nothing short of massive. They create that coveted V-shape that's synonymous with a strong and athletic physique. Those round shoulders not only add to his aesthetic appeal but also emphasise his upper body strength. These flow nicely into his muscular arms. They're not overly bulky, but they're incredibly well-defined. His arms have just the right amount of muscle to look powerful without veering into pro-bodybuilder territory.

Moving down the body, Craig's abs are always visible in shower scenes or topless shots. This is mainly as a result of being low body fat. He maintains a v-cut that's sharp and defined, showcasing his dedication to core strength and a low body fat percentage. It's no wonder this look is highly desirable.

A strong and thick back, traps, and neck complete the picture of Daniel Craig's physique. These muscles contribute to his overall upper body development and give him that rugged, masculine appearance.

What's impressive about Daniel Craig's physique is that it's not about sheer size. Instead, it's about proportion and aesthetics. He embodies the sleek, masculine look that appeals to people across cultures and age groups. His physique is a great example of what can be achieved through dedicated training and a balanced approach to fitness.

This is precisely what the Adonis Evolution Program teaches – efficient muscle development without unwanted fat gain to produce a physique that is strong, lean, and powerful.

daniel craig workout


While there isn't concrete information available on Daniel Craig's exact workout routine for his James Bond physique, I can certainly speculate based on fitness principles and his physique transformation. I've helped many men achieve celebrity-like bodies, including one that closely resembles Daniel Craig's myself (and I did it naturally).

I'd say he just takes me on this one, but it's a close contest, right?

To attain the physique of James Bond, Craig would have had to incorporate heavy weightlifting sessions into his weekly routine, likely training 3-4 times a week. At the age of 43 and beyond for his later Bond roles, Craig would have needed to prioritise recovery, so shorter, intense sessions were key.

Here's the magic of a 3-day workout split: it allows for better recovery. By giving your body at least a day of rest between strength training sessions and reducing your workouts to a 3-day split, you can hit the gym feeling refreshed and powerful. With less struggle, heavy weights start moving more easily.

Despite the reduced training volume, consistent strength gains lead to hard, lasting muscle growth. This muscle development focuses on improving strength and power rather than sheer volume, resulting in a dense and hard physique. It's the kind of muscle that looks great all the time, even if you take short breaks from the gym.

The 3-day workout split also fits well into a balanced lifestyle. Prioritising fitness is important, but it shouldn't consume your life. Training should enhance other aspects of your life, making you a more well-rounded individual. It's about improving yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.

With all this in mind, let's dive into a workout routine inspired by Daniel Craig's transformation into James Bond. This routine is designed to help you achieve real-world results while maintaining a balanced and fulfilling life.



  • Incline Barbell Bench Press: 4 sets x 6-10 reps (3 minutes rest between sets)
  • Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3 sets x 6-10 reps (3 minutes rest between sets)
  • Low Incline DB Flyes: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (30-60 seconds rest, same weight each set)
  • Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 6-10 reps (2 minutes rest between sets)
  • Rope Extensions: 2 sets x 8-12 reps (1-minute rest between sets)


  • Weighted Pull-ups: 4 sets x 6-10 reps (3 minutes rest between sets)
  • Deadlifts: 3 sets x 4-6 reps (3 minutes rest between sets)
  • Cable Rows: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (30-60 seconds rest, same weight each set)
  • Barbell Curls: 3 sets x 6-10 reps (2 minutes rest between sets)
  • Incline Dumbbell Curls: 2 sets x 8-12 reps (1-minute rest between sets)


  • Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4 sets x 6-10 reps (3 minutes rest between sets)
  • Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps (2 minutes rest between sets)
  • Upright Row: 4 sets – 12, 10, 8, 6 (30-60 seconds rest, same weight for each set)
  • Bulgarian Split Squats: 3 sets x 6-10 reps per leg (2 minutes rest between sets)
  • Standing Single Leg Calf Raises: 3 sets x 10-15 reps per leg (1-minute rest between sets)
NEXT: Stay Handsome After 40 With David Beckham's 'Football Icon' Workout


Daniel Craig's workout routine involved training three times a week. This workout frequency is strategically spread across non-consecutive days, such as Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This scheduling allows for optimal muscle recovery and growth while preventing overtraining.

A critical component that should not be overlooked is ab training. Craig included dedicated ab workouts in his routine, focusing on these muscles 2 times a week. A strong core is vital for maintaining balance and stability during various exercises and daily activities. It will also help to reveal your abs at a slightly higher level of body fat (although losing fat is still the key to a 6 pack).

Now, whether this 3-day workout split is the right fit for you depends on your personal goals and preferences. Interestingly, many people have successfully transitioned from more frequent training (5-6 days a week) to this 3-day split routine. They reported saw rapid gains in strength and muscle mass, which aligns well with the desired results of achieving a James Bond-worthy physique.

It's worth noting that the effectiveness of any workout routine depends on several factors, including consistency, proper form, and progressive overload—gradually increasing the weight or intensity of exercises over time. The goal is to challenge your muscles continually, promoting growth and improvement.

So, if you're intrigued by the idea of a 3-day split workout, consider giving it a try for at least six weeks and see hwo you get on.

Finally, if you're on the lookout for a comprehensive fitness program that aligns with this training style, you might want to explore the Adonis Evolution Program. It's designed to help individuals sculpt an aesthetic physique. I will show you exactly how to gain muscle, get extremely strong and maximise sex appeal - much like Daniel Craig and James Bond.

My flagship coaching program, Beach Body Accelerator,explains in step-by-step detail how Daniel Craig would workout to achieve his phsyique. I personally coach you to get the 007 look.

daniel craig workout

Источник: https://eternobody.com/blog/eterno-blog/daniel-craig-james-bond-workout