Mr white casino royale

Mr white casino royale



Bond 24 Spectre 2015 Jesper Christiansen

Full Name

Friedrich König


Mr. White

The Pale King

Powers / Skills

High intelligence

Vast resources


Masterminding Quantum and its nefarious operations.

Orchestrating his daughter's safety from SPECTRE and Ernst Stavro Blofeld/Franz Oberhauser.


Gain money and further Quantum's goals and to kill James Bond at all costs (formerly; failed).

Protect his own daughter Madeleine Swann by having James Bond keep her safe from Blofeld and his organization.


Type of Villain

Enigmatic Terrorist

You are a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond. So long.
~ Mr. White's last words.

Friedrich König, better known as Mr. White, is the secondary antagonist of the rebooted James Bond film series. He is one of the main leaders of the criminal organization Quantum.

He is later revealed to be the father of Madeleine Swann and that Quantum is an affiliate of Spectre, a terrorist organization. He is also revealed to have murdered Lyutsifer Safin's entire family. He posthumously becomes the grandfather of Matilde Swann, the daughter of Madeline and James Bond.

He was portrayed by Jesper Christensen, who also played Dieter Vogel in the 2010 film remake of The Debt and Nils Lud in The Interpreter.


Casino Royale[]

Money isn't as valuable to our organization as knowing who to trust.
~ White to Le Chiffre before killing him.

White is seen introducing Le Chiffre to the terrorist named Steven Obanno, and arranges for Le Chiffre to bank Obanno's money. White is next seen after Le Chiffre has lost Obanno's money. Following Obanno's death, Le Chiffre tortures Bond, but the door bursts open and Mr. White enters with a silenced pistol, kills many of Le Chiffre's henchmen (including Valenka and Kratt) before aiming at Le Chiffre. Though Le Chiffre tries to reason with Mr. White by telling him that he will get the money back, White refuses by explaining that Quantum can no longer trust Le Chiffre. As such, Mr. White kills Le Chiffre by shooting him in the face, ironically saving Bond's life, who will become Quantum's main enemy.

It eventually turns out that Mr. White only spared Bond in order obtain the password for the poke winnings. In the end, Mr. White succeeds in obtaining the poker winnings following the death of Vesper Lynd, much to Bond's distraught. When Mr. White returns to his villa on Lake Como, he receives a phone call. While answering the call, he is shot in the leg and falls to the ground. As he tries to crawl into cover, he is approached by Bond, who takes him captive for interrogation by MI6.

Quantum of Solace[]

The first thing you should know about us is that we have people everywhere.
~ Mr. White reveals that Quantum has infiltrated MI6.

The next film begins with Bond and M questioning White, who states that his organization has people everywhere. Upon this statement, M's bodyguard Craig Mitchell opens fire, and Bond pursues him out of the room. In the ensuing confusion, White escapes, but Mitchell dies. Mr. White is later seen at an opera house in Bregenz, Austria, where he has come to meet with other members of Quantum (arranged by Dominic Greene of Greene Planet). During the opera, the Quantum members discuss their Bolivia project through small headsets. Bond uses a headset previously taken from a Quantum member to trick the members into leaving the opera and takes photos of everyone who leaves, providing MI6 with valuable information about Quantum's top agents. However, Mr. White plays wise to this by removing his headphone and remaining seated to avoid being caught. He tells the woman next to him that "Tosca isn't for everyone" as a lighthearted reason for his partners leaving the room as a way of feigning ignorance and remaining conspicuous. Following the deaths of Greene and General Medrano, Bond learned that Vesper's boyfriend Yusef Kabira is a Quantum agent who faked his kidnapping in order for Mr. White and Greene to coerce Vesper into working for them in the first place. Following Kabira's arrest and Quantum's dissolution, Mr. White remains at large.


She is clever, she's smarter than me, she knows how to hide. If you will find her, she'll take you to L'Americain, she knows L'Americain!
~ Mr White on his daughter Dr. Madeline Swann.

Following the deaths of Raoul Silva and M, it was revealed that Quantum itself is a subsidiary of a larger organization known as Spectre, which would make Mr. White incidentally a member of the latter organization; even Le Chiffre, Greene, and Silva were all revealed to be agents working for Spectre. It also turns out that Mr. White was nothing more than a mere pawn alongside Vesper, Kabira, Le Chiffre, Greene, and Silva; all of them used by Ernst Stavro Blofeld (the leader of Spectre) in his true plot of inflicting psychological pain on Bond, who happens to be Blofeld's adoptive brother.

While Mr. White commits several murders and countless acts of terrorism, however, even he has limits; when Spectre begins trafficking and murdering women and children, Mr. White quits in disgust. Angered by his betrayal, Blofeld puts out a ocntract on Mr. White's life, which leads to him going into hiding. However, he is also dying of thallium poisoning, which was sent to him through his phone. After locating him at an abandoned house at Austria, Bond shows Mr. White a ring which bears an inscribed octopus from assassin Marco Sciarra. Mr. White tells Bond to find his estranged daughter Madeleine Swann as she has the knowledge Bond needs to know about SPECTRE, giving him a name 'L'Americain', which happens to be a Moroccan hotel where Mr. White has hidden coordinates to SPECTRE's North African facility. Mr. White also makes Bond promise to protect Swann before bidding farewell and shooting himself in the head with Bond's gun. Bond then mourns for Mr. White by closing his dead eyes before leaving to find Swann. Mr. Hinx arrives sometime later, discovering Mr. White's corpse, which is being pecked at by several crows.

It later turns out that Mr. White's suicide was recorded through a video surveillance system controlled by Spectre, and after capturing Bond and Swann in his North African facility, Blofeld used the footage to deeply traumatize Swann, saying that Mr. White was too weak to see exactly what Blofeld was planning for the world. This made Swann realize that while Mr. White did terrible things, he was still a good father to her at his best.

Eventually, Bond and Swann got full closure for Mr. White's death by foiling Blofeld's plot to control all of the world's intelligence systems and getting him arrested for crimes against humanity.

No Time To Die[]

Five years after Blofeld's arrest, Lyutsifer Safin takes control of a nanobot project (created by rogue MI6 scientist Valdo Obruchev) that would act as a virus, and formulates a successful plot to unleash the nanobots to destroy Spectre; he even manages to trick Bond into murdering Blofeld by infecting him with the nanobots.

Following Blofeld's death, Swann confesses to Bond that her father had murdered Safin's family with dioxin on Blofeld's orders during their early days working in Spectre. This event left Safin facially disfigured, and he eventually grew up to be a bioterrorist, vowing revenge on Spectre (mostly both Blofeld and Mr. White) for the deaths of his family. It was also revealed that Safin murdered Swann's mother in 1998 as part of his quest for vengeance, which was the main reason why Swann cut ties with Mr. White in the first place. It was later revealed that Madeline gave birth to Bond's daughter, Matilde, making Mr. White a grandfather.

Eventually, Bond was able to kill off Safin and his men, but not before Safin infects Bond with more nanobots that could kill Swann and her daughter Mathilde if Bond touches them again. As such, Bond joins Mr. White in death by sacrificing himself in a missile explosion to destroy the nanobots.


Mr. White is a man as mysterious as Quantum and Spectre who wants, above all, to maintain the anonymity of these organizations, which he persists in never mentioning. As a result, he is not cowardly enough to disclose the existence of the factions when subjected to interrogation pressure by intelligence services such as MI6, and his numerous contacts and undercover agents may allow him to escape easily to captivity. In addition, White is also determined to maintain Quantum's reputation, whether by executing associates that displease him or simply by indicating to other terrorist groups that he is not responsible for their incompetence. Although he prefers to let his subordinates do the dirty work for him and pull strings in the shadows, the terrorist can nevertheless get his hands dirty if necessary.

However, despite his cold, ruthless, and calculating temperament, White is not necessarily a heartless individual since he cannot, in particular, resolve to contribute to, or even stomach it when SPECTRE gets into the business of human trafficking, which involves selling women and children into sex slavery, so he left the organization for that. He also had genuine care for Madeleine, whom he wanted to keep safe, far from his life as a criminal, so as not to endanger her; he even entrusted Bond to protect her from the wrath of Blofeld before killing himself. White also enjoys using his wealth and his position as a high-ranking criminal to buy expensive costumes and thus adopt the appearance of a refined and polite person while settling in a number of splendid dens like his villa on the shore of Lake Como, in Italy, and the chalet in which he is hiding in Altausee, Austria.


Mr. White at Obanno's camp in Africa.

Mr. White at Obanno's camp in Africa.

Mr. White killing Le Chiffre.

Mr. White killing Le Chiffre.

Mr. White getting taken by Bond.

Mr. White getting taken by Bond.

Mr. White evading Bond by remaining seated at the opera.

Mr. White evading Bond by remaining seated at the opera.

Mr. White at his safehouse in SPECTRE.

Mr. White at his safehouse in SPECTRE.

Mr. White in Casino Royale.

Mr. White in Casino Royale.

Mr. White in Quantum of Solace.

Mr. White in Quantum of Solace.

Mr. White in Spectre.

Mr. White in Spectre.

Mr. White about to commit suicide after making Bond promise to protect his daughter Madeleine.

Mr. White about to commit suicide after making Bond promise to protect his daughter Madeleine.


  • Mr. White served as the Bigger Bad in Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace because, even though Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene served as the main antagonists in their respective films, they still answered to him. However, it turns out that White, Le Chiffre, Greene and Raoul Silva were all answering to Franz Oberhauser (as Quantum itself is a subsidiary of SPECTRE), as part of Oberhauser's plot to wreak psychological pain on Bond, something that Mr. White would later regret to hold a part in following the deaths of Le Chiffre, Greene and Silva.
  • On early scripts of Spectre and in the story of Octopussy, it was revealed that Mr. White and Oberhauser were military brothers-in-arms and were very old "friends", but on a mission at the desert of Afghanistan, their unit was killed by a group of bandits whom taking the two as hostages, but Blofeld managed to kill every single one of them, left White alone and went on to create Spectre as name of the military legion they served.

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