Royal palace casino

Royal palace casino


Persona 5 Royal - P5 Niijima Palace Overview and Infiltration Guide

Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal - P5 Niijima Palace Overview and Infiltration Guide

Guide for Niijma Palace in Persona 5

Start: Saturday, October 30

Deadline: Sunday, November 20

Recommended Level: 50

Number of Lockpicks required: 3

Niijima Palace Infiltration Guide

First Phase: Initial Infiltration


  • Go up the stairs and head to the main floor.

Main Floor

  • Jump down the platform and pass through the hole
  • A safe room is at the bottom of the map
  • A boss battle will occur before you enter the elevator
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Sub-Boss 1&#;CurseEverything except Bless, Curse&#;&#;

Second Phase: Securing the Infiltration Route

  • Exit the safe room then go to A.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
OseAilmentCurseFireBlessArcana: Fool
Personality: Cheerful
 UnicornBless&#;&#;Ice, BlessPsiCurseArcana: Hierophant
Personality: &#;Bearish&#;

Casino &#; Employee&#;s Aisle

  • Go to B.
  • You will need to defeat two Queen Mabs on your way to the area. You will receive a keycard after defeating them.
  • Go to C. Use the keycard to open the door.
  • Crawl through the vent inside the room and defeat the Ganesha in the next room. You will receive a Member&#;s Card after defeating the shadow.
  • Head to the main floor and use the elevator that Sae used previously.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Kikuri-HimeRecoveryWindBlessFireArcana: Priestess
Personality: Sad
ValkyriePhys&#;&#;BlessGun&#;Arcana: Strength
Personality: Short-tempered
PowerBless&#;&#;BlessWindGun, CurseArcana: Justice
Personality: Short-tempered
GaneshaAilment&#;Wind&#;PhysPsyArcana: Sun
Personality: Funny
Sub-Boss 2&#;&#;&#;FireElectricWind??

  • Go to the counter in front of the elevator. You will receive playing chips.
  • The dice game room is located at C.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Queen MabAlmightyFireElecWindArcana: Magician
Personality: Sad

Dice Game &#; Employee&#;s Aisle

  • There is a vent that you can crawl through at D once you enter the dice game room.
  • Move to the lower floor after entering the room at D.
  • Enter the control room and defeat the boss.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Sub-Boss 3&#;CurseFirePsyWind, BlessArcana: ?
Personality: ?

Slot Room

Huge Slot Area

  • As soon a you enter the slots room, there will be two sub-bosses that you need to defeat in order to proceed.
  • Once you reach E, a cutscene will occur.
  • Examine the slot machine in F, then go to the ! icon marked on the map.
  • You will need to access the red and green terminals to hack the slot machine
  • The Green Terminal (marked as B on the map above) can be found by heading to the previous room. Head south from where you entered the room and head down the path through the door. Climb over the crates to the north and you will find the terminal along with a treasure chest.
  • The Red Terminal (marked as a on the map above) can be found if you head back to the entrance of the Slot Room (where you entered from the Members Floor Lobby.) Go to the slot room and you will be able to see the terminal on the wall to the south.
  • Head back to F after going to the terminals.
  • Once you get 50, coins, go back to the dealer in the lobby and buy the High Limit Card.
  • After buying the card, you will have to defeat Sub-Boss 5.
  • You will automatically be transported to the elevator to reach the High Limit Floor after you defeat the boss. However, you won&#;t be able to use it, so you have to come back after the story progresses in the real world.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Sub-Boss 4&#;CurseFire&#;PsyWind, Bless&#;
KumbhandaAilmentCurse&#;Fire&#;IceArcana: Hermit
Personality: Short-tempered
Kushina-Hime&#;Bless&#;&#;&#;NuclearArcana: Lovers
Personality: Cheerful
Sub-Boss 5&#;Wind&#;&#;Ice, Bless, Curse&#;&#;

High Rate Floor/Lobby

  • Once you go back to the casino, head to the elevator and go to the High Limit Floor.
  • Speak to the dealer in the lobby and you will be given 1, playing coins and tips on how to get to the Manager&#;s Floor.
  • Examine the device in G.
  • Go to H and enter the House of Darkness.

House of Darkness

  • Spend 1, coins to play the game in the House of Darkness
  • Use Third Eye in order to have a better view of your surroundings.
  • The map will not be fully shown until you defeat the boss in the maze.
  • Go through the vent at J.
  • Head to the hidden passage marked by dots forming a circle in the map above, then go to K.

  • Go straight ahead and you will be blocked by a door at L. Crawl through the vent at M to get to the next area.
  • Open the opposite side of the door at L using the terminal next to it.
  • Head down the hall at the end of the hall and you will face another sub-boss.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
RangdaCursePhys, Gun&#;Fire, Curse&#;Elec, BlessArcana: Magician
Personality: Sadness
SkadiIceIce&#;Curse&#;&#;Arcana: Priestess
Personality: Bearish
NornAlmighty&#;Wind&#;Ice&#;Arcana: Fortune
Personality: Cheerful
Sub-Boss 6&#;&#;&#;Electric&#;&#;&#;

Battle Arena

  • Before heading to the Battle Arena, make sure to use the safe room.
  • Speak to the receptionist.
  • You will need to fight several shadows in the Battle Arena. (Recommended Persona: Rangda)
  • After defeating the shadows in the Battle Arena, head back to the lobby and examine the device again at G.
  • Pass through the newly opened bridge.
Shadow NameInheritReflectAbsorbsBlockResistsWeakRemarks
Sub-Boss 7&#;&#;Electric&#;&#;&#;&#;

Manager Area

  • A cutscene will occur after going to the Manager Area. Head back to the real world and give the calling card to Sae.

Niijima Palace Boss Battle

For a complete and detailed breakdown of stats, skills, and battle strategies against Shadow Sae, read our boss guide:

Shadow Sae (Leviathan) Boss Guide

Other Palace Guides

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