Casino royale parents guide

Casino royale parents guide


VIOLENCE/GORE 7 - A man is tortured by being tied while nude into a chair (the seat has been cut off) while another man swings a heavy, knotted rope to repeatedly strike him in the testicles (the man yells with every blow); the torturer eventually kicks the chair over, pulls out a knife and lunges toward the man threatening to cut off his genitals and feed them to him.
&#; A man holds a knife to a man's back, the man twists around and the two struggle over the knife; one then stabs and kills the other and sits him slumped over in a chair.
&#; A man is shot in the back with a nail gun, another is electrocuted with a loose cable, and another is shot in the head with a nail gun. A man is shot in the head, he falls to the ground and we see the bloody bullet hole.
&#; Two men fight in a stairwell, and one is swinging a machete at the other, who uses his jacket as a defense; eventually the men end up to the bottom together and one kills the other by strangling him -- the surviving man's shirt is covered with blood. A man breaks another man's neck (we hear the crack). A man punches a man in the face and he hits his head against a statue (we hear a crack). Two men fight with punches and kicks in a public bathroom: one man holds the other man's head in a sink filled with water, the man struggles, goes limp and slumps to the floor (he later shoots at the other man, who shoots back and kills him).
&#; A man shoots a man, a man shoots at another man and a woman is held with a knife to her throat; men then shoot back and forth at each other. A man shoots another man who falls back and out of his chair. A man is shot in the leg and drags himself along the ground.
&#; A man and a woman are held with cords around their throats, the man is thrown to the floor, the woman is held and another man swings a machete into the air preparing to cut off her head, and then brings it down to cut her arm off (he does not). Two men fight, and one slashes the other across the chest (we see a bloody wound).
&#; Armed men in an embassy shoot at another man who shoots back at them; one man is shot in the leg (we see some blood), two men fall off a roof, they have bloody bruises on their faces, and one shoots two men and then a tank that explodes throwing several men through the air, in flames. A man pushes the button of a detonator and an explosion blows him up.
&#; Two men run through a construction site, chasing each other: one man pulls a gun and shoots, the other man drives a construction vehicle and tears up a half-built level, they run through a metal fence, there's an explosion, they both climb up cables onto a crane rigging, one releases a heavy container and it crashes to the ground below, one man throws a gun at the other and strikes him in the head, and one man jumps off the rigging and onto a nearby roof, while the other follows. Security officers strike a man with a gun butt and handcuff him.
&#; A building in Venice begins to sink into a canal when air tanks that hold it up are shot and punctured; the building collapses, there are people inside trying to get out, and one woman is trapped in an elevator that is submerged and she drowns (in an extended scene we see her struggling as her air runs out and she realizes she will die).
&#; We see a dead woman, wrapped in a hammock hanging from a tree, and we are told that "she was tortured first." We see a photo of a dead man with a bullet hole in his head.
&#; A man drinks alcohol that is laced with poison, he begins to lose consciousness, he stumbles across a street, he is struck by a car, he gives himself an injection in the neck, and tries to revive himself but collapses; his heart then stops, and a woman uses a defibrillator which revives him.
&#; A man tries to get control of a gasoline truck that has been rigged to drive into an airplane and explode (he manages to swerve away just before it collides).
&#; Two men fight in a moving truck, the truck swerves, and it is chased by a security car, which is blown through the air by the jets of a plane that's pulling up off the ground.
&#; A man runs and jumps onto the back of a moving gas truck, the driver swerves trying to make the man fall off, the man jumps off and two trucks scrape their sides together.
&#; We hear a woman screaming behind a closed door and it is implied that she is being tortured. A man is tasered in the back, he falls limp and is dragged away by two men. A man grabs a woman's arm and yells at her.
&#; A woman lies in a road, a man swerves in his car to avoid hitting her, and the car goes off the road and flips repeatedly (we see his bloody face).
&#; We see a museum displaying a series of human and animal plasticized cadavers, with muscle and tissue visible. A man has a scar across his eye that oozes blood in several scenes (in lieu of tearing up). A man has scars from severe burns on his face and hands. We see an animated reel of people being shot or stabbed, with red seeping from the wounds. A man's shirt is covered with someone else's blood. A man removes a locator chip from a man's arm using a knife. A man is injected in the arm (we see a bloody gash on his arm).
&#; A truck crashes through a luggage transport at an airport, and then through a passenger transport (it is not shown whether the bus had anyone on it). Sprinklers go off in an airport, and many people panic and run. A man crashes a car into several other cars setting off their alarms. A man runs through a crowd with a gun drawn, he falls and the gun fires (we do not see anyone struck).
&#; A crowd cheers as a mongoose and a snake as they face off, and the snake lunges for the mongoose and bites it.
